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We research.

Evidence and analysis that matter for people and the planet

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  1. Indebted: how to support countries heavily reliant on oil and gas revenues to secure long-term prosperity

    Research reports

  2. Nature-based green infrastructure: A review of African experience and potential

    Research reports

  3. Mongolia: towards sustainable economic recovery

    Emerging analysis

  4. Understanding the climate and net-zero transition risks and opportunities in Tajikistan

    Briefing/policy papers

  5. Understanding the climate and net-zero transition risks and opportunities in Kyrgyzstan

    Briefing/policy papers

  6. Understanding the climate and net-zero transition risks and opportunities in Uzbekistan

    Briefing/policy papers

  7. Nexus: compendium. In search of nexus triple wins

    Working papers

  8. Waste management in Africa: a review of cities’ experiences

    Working papers

  9. Inclusive, sustainable economic transformation: An analysis of trends and trade-offs

    Working papers

  10. Climate Risks and Truncated Opportunities: How Do Environmental Challenges Intersect with Economic and Social Disadvantages for Rohingya Adolescents in Bangladesh?

    Journal issue/article

  11. Scoping opportunities, barriers and enablers of nature-based solutions in Russia: the REACT programme’s UK–Russia exchange on climate change transition

    Research reports

  12. Understanding patterns of climate resilient economic development

    Research reports

  13. ODI Forestry Briefings

    Briefing/policy papers

  14. Rural Development Forestry Study Guides

    Research reports

  15. Agricultural Research & Extension Network (AgREN) Papers

    Research reports

  16. ODI Natural Resource Perspectives

    Briefing/policy papers

  17. Promoting commercial forestry in Uganda: the experience of the Tree Biotechnology Programme

    Research reports

  18. Beyond the Union: a new platform for European cooperation

    Briefing/policy papers

  19. The humanitarian impact of combined conflict, climate and environmental risks

    Briefing/policy papers

  20. Implications of geoengineering for developing countries

    Working papers