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We research.

Evidence and analysis that matter for people and the planet

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  1. Sexual and reproductive health and rights in the era of COVID-19: a qualitative study of the experiences of vulnerable urban youth in Ethiopia

    Journal issue/article

  2. Advocating together to strengthen protection: collective efforts of international and national organisations

    Briefing/policy papers

  3. Collaborative advocacy on the protection of civilians: children and armed conflict and explosive weapons in populated areas

    Research reports

  4. Waste management in Africa: a review of cities’ experiences

    Working papers

  5. Capital markets for cities

    Working papers

  6. Investing in cities: how can the Commonwealth act to leverage private finance?

    Briefing/policy papers

  7. The Caribbean - a region of excellence for urban climate resilience: lifelong learning for urban planners

    Briefing/policy papers

  8. An Analytical Review: A Decade of Urban Resilience


  9. Social protection response to Covid-19 and beyond: emerging evidence and learning for future crises

    Working papers

  10. Covid-19: crisis as opportunity for urban cash transfers?

    Working papers

  11. ODI Natural Resource Perspectives

    Briefing/policy papers

  12. The Mayors' Dialogue on Growth and Solidarity: framing paper

    Briefing/policy papers

  13. A Mayors' Dialogue on Growth and Solidarity: overview of cities’ priorities and emerging partnerships

    Working papers

  14. Urbanisation and human mobility: fact sheets

    Briefing/policy papers

  15. Urban energy and the climate emergency: achieving decarbonisation via decentralisation and digitalisation

    Working papers

  16. Climate Emergency, Urban Opportunity

    Research reports

  17. Disaster risk reduction, urban informality and a ‘fragile peace’: the case of Lebanon

    Research reports

  18. Barriers to urban shelter self-recovery in Philippines and Nepal: lessons for humanitarian policy and practice


  19. Financing the sustainable urban future: scoping a green cities development bank

    Working papers

  20. Global perceptions of urban land tenure security: evidence from 33 countries

    Research reports