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We research.

Evidence and analysis that matter for people and the planet

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  1. Basic needs and wellbeing in displacement settings: the role of humanitarian assistance and social protection

    Working papers

  2. Integrating assistance to the displaced into a social protection system in Cameroon. An ideal, but in whose interests?

    Research reports

  3. The untold story of water in climate adaptation. II. 15 countries speak

    Research reports

  4. Livelihoods in displacement: from refugee perspectives to aid agency response

    Research reports

  5. Supporting Central African refugees in Cameroon: policy and practice in response to protracted displacement

    Working papers

  6. Livelihood strategies of Central African refugees in Cameroon

    Working papers

  7. Financing readiness: insights from the Amazon Fund and Congo Basin Forest Funds' efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation

    Research reports

  8. Jobs, growth and poverty: what do we know, what don't we know, what should we know?

    Working papers

  9. What does an effective multilateral donor look like?

    Briefing/policy papers

  10. Une Arrivée et un Nouveau Départ: Partenariats au Cameroun après le Point d’Achèvement PPTE

    Research reports

  11. Une Arrivée et un Nouveau Départ: Partenariats au Cameroun après le Point d’Achèvement PPTE

    Research reports

  12. Linking Policies and Budgets: Implementing Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks in a PRSP Context

    Briefing/policy papers

  13. Bushmeat Hunters and Secondary Traders: making the distinction for livelihood improvement

    Briefing/policy papers

  14. La domestication Participative des arbres fruitiers locaux pour ameliorer les conditions de vie et proteger l'environnement

    Briefing/policy papers

  15. Participatory Domestication of Indigenous Trees for Improved Livelihoods and a Better Environment

    Briefing/policy papers

  16. A Review of Experience in Implementing Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks in a PRSP Context: A Synthesis of Eight Country Studies

    Research reports

  17. Implementing a Medium-Term Perspective to Budgeting in the Context of National Poverty Reduction Strategies

    Research reports

  18. Reports from multi-country study assessing the design and application of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework - Cameroon

    Research reports

  19. Forestry as an Entry-point to Governance Reform: The Case of Cameroon

    Research reports

  20. Foreign Ownership and Wages: Evidence from Five African Countries

    Working papers