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Closing the action gap: addressing climate risks in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Time (GMT +00) 17:30 19:00
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People in fragile and conflict-affected settings will face greater risks due to higher vulnerability to climate hazards and exposure to conflict and protracted crises, and insufficient coping and adaptive capacities. Moreover, climate change and conflict interact with each other in many of these settings, compounding the risks that communities face and jeopardising sustainable development that 'leaves no one behind'.

Humanitarian actors are present in many of these contexts, working to implement programmes that address immediate needs while building longer-term resilience. However, despite higher levels of vulnerability and need, there is a significant difference between the provision of funding to stable, middle-income countries and fragile or conflict-affected ones, with the latter receiving significantly less funding to support their efforts to adapt to climate change.

The session will seek to support a conversation between development, humanitarian, political and business leaders on how to ensure that populations facing the double vulnerability of climate risks and conflict are more effectively supported.


  • Nigel Topping

    Introductory remarks - UK High Level Climate Action Champion

  • Sara Pantuliano

    Chair - Chief Executive, ODI

  • Nick Dyer

    UK Special Envoy for Famine Prevention and Humanitarian Affairs

  • Robert Mardini

    Director General of the International Committee of the Red Cross

  • Soukeyna Kane

    Director of Fragility, Conflict and Vulnerability at the World Bank

  • Mikko Ollikainen

    Adaptation Fund Manager at the Adaptation Fund

  • Ahmed Yusuf Ahmed

    Director General, Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Federal Government of Somalia
