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This is a crucial time for global climate action. World leaders must make evidence informed policy decisions. Our cross cutting work offers new research and analysis across finance, trade and adaptation.

Browse our dedicated analysis

  1. Indebted: how to support countries heavily reliant on oil and gas revenues to secure long-term prosperity

    Research reports

  2. Nature-based green infrastructure: African experience and potential


  3. Nature-based green infrastructure: A review of African experience and potential

    Research reports

  4. Contextualising the Gambia’s air pollution challenges

  5. Mongolia: towards sustainable economic recovery

    Emerging analysis

  6. Understanding the climate and net-zero transition risks and opportunities in Kyrgyzstan

    Briefing/policy papers

  7. Understanding the climate and net-zero transition risks and opportunities in Uzbekistan

    Briefing/policy papers

  8. Understanding the climate and net-zero transition risks and opportunities in Tajikistan

    Briefing/policy papers

  9. Finance for nature: COP15 needs its ‘2.1(c) moment’

  10. Nexus: compendium. In search of nexus triple wins

    Working papers

  11. Waste management in Africa: a review of cities’ experiences

    Working papers

  12. Environmental justice for Small Island Developing States

  13. Inclusive, sustainable economic transformation: An analysis of trends and trade-offs

    Working papers

  14. Climate Risks and Truncated Opportunities: How Do Environmental Challenges Intersect with Economic and Social Disadvantages for Rohingya Adolescents in Bangladesh?

    Journal issue/article

  15. How the AfCFTA can support cleaner, greener and more resilient value chains

  16. To deliver the promise of this climate super year, UN-led efforts must back land rights

  17. Statement: The data is in — governments must green their Covid-19 recovery to keep global temperature rise to 1.5°C

    Press Release

  18. How do we channel the ESG investment boom towards low-income countries?

  19. Why agricultural reform is needed to achieve net zero emissions

  20. How to put cities at the heart of the energy transition